Choosing the Right Mulch for Your Landscaping

Mulch is used for a variety of reasons in landscaping, from weed and erosion control to insulating tree roots and retaining soil moisture. However, there are many options when choosing which mulch to use. Most landscapers prefer organic mulches that breakdown and improve the soil, although inorganic mulches can also be used. Hardwood, pine bark, pine straw and even manure can be used as mulch, along with dyed varieties. Here are some of the uses for some popular mulches.

  • Cypress mulch. For playgrounds, cypress mulch is often used as it is a natural deterrent to insects. In some states like Georgia, daycare centers with outside play areas are required to use cypress mulch.
  • Dyed hardwood mulch. For attractive mulching, dyed hardwood mulch is an excellent choice. Mulch is usually dyed in browns, reds and black. Make sure the dyed mulch is eco-friendly, using dyes that won’t release toxins into the soil.
  • Pine Straw. Pine straw is a great covering for sloped areas. Pine straw mulch does not move as easily and can help deter erosion.
  • Pine bark mulch. For protecting tree and shrub roots, pine bark mulch is an excellent choice, especially trees that prefer an acid-laden soil.
  • Compost. Manure and even peanut shells can be used in compost mulch which can help protect soil while adding nutrients.

Still not sure which mulch will be best for your landscaping? Call your local landscape supply company that offers several varieties of mulch. They can help you choose the best mulch for your needs and offer you advice on how often to replace or add new mulch to your landscaping.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220


The Most Effective Mulching Varieties

Mulch improves the health of your garden by keeping moisture in the soil and protecting fragile roots from exposure.  It blocks weeds, keeps topsoil from drying out in the heat, and will break down in the winter months to provide even richer soil the next season.

Mulch is sold in bulk at your local landscape supply center.  Depending on the type of mulch you need, you may be able to make your own mulch.  For larger quantities or specific types of mulch, the landscape supply center will have what you need.

Grass clippings are an excellent natural mulch.  You should use the clippings from the first three to four times the lawn is mowed in the springtime for the healthiest mix.  However, if you have applied weed killers or other chemicals to your lawn, don’t use your grass clippings for mulch. You can also use shredded leaves as mulch.  Use a lawn mower or clipper to make them.  These are not a good choice if you live in a windy climate.

Compost is another great and natural option for your garden beds.  You can create your own if you have the time and inclination or buy it at a nursery or gardening center.  It works great to re-introduce fresh organic material to your topsoil over time.  Your landscape supply center will also carry pine bark, hardwood bark, cypress, and dyed mulches you can use to achieve the look you want.

Avoid the use of hay or straws for mulching.  Both have seeds that can create quite the weed epidemic in your landscape.