Choosing the Right Mulch for Your Landscaping

Mulch is used for a variety of reasons in landscaping, from weed and erosion control to insulating tree roots and retaining soil moisture. However, there are many options when choosing which mulch to use. Most landscapers prefer organic mulches that breakdown and improve the soil, although inorganic mulches can also be used. Hardwood, pine bark, pine straw and even manure can be used as mulch, along with dyed varieties. Here are some of the uses for some popular mulches.

  • Cypress mulch. For playgrounds, cypress mulch is often used as it is a natural deterrent to insects. In some states like Georgia, daycare centers with outside play areas are required to use cypress mulch.
  • Dyed hardwood mulch. For attractive mulching, dyed hardwood mulch is an excellent choice. Mulch is usually dyed in browns, reds and black. Make sure the dyed mulch is eco-friendly, using dyes that won’t release toxins into the soil.
  • Pine Straw. Pine straw is a great covering for sloped areas. Pine straw mulch does not move as easily and can help deter erosion.
  • Pine bark mulch. For protecting tree and shrub roots, pine bark mulch is an excellent choice, especially trees that prefer an acid-laden soil.
  • Compost. Manure and even peanut shells can be used in compost mulch which can help protect soil while adding nutrients.

Still not sure which mulch will be best for your landscaping? Call your local landscape supply company that offers several varieties of mulch. They can help you choose the best mulch for your needs and offer you advice on how often to replace or add new mulch to your landscaping.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220


Advantages of Using Organic Bark Mulch

With spring just around the corner, it’s time to think about adding new mulch to your landscaping. Mulch is beneficial for protecting the soil, keeping in the moisture your plants and trees need. In addition, it can help with weed control, erosion and helps improve the aesthetics of your property. There are a wide variety of options at your disposal when choosing a mulch type, including organic bark mulch. For many purposes, bark mulch can offer several advantages over other varieties.

  • Add nutrients. Bark mulch is made from trees, which will decompose and add nutrients to the soil. Each type of wood breaks down at a different rate, with pine being one of the fastest while dyed bark mulch will decompose more slowly.
  • Longer moisture protection. While you can use grass clippings and compost for mulch, they tend to decompose faster, leaving your soil unprotected. Bark can last a year or longer, helping maintain moisture in your soil.
  • Weed control. Bark mulch is great for weed control, once again better than grass or compost, keeping those pesky weeds from sprouting up in your landscaping.
  • Cleaner yard. Using bark mulch makes for a cleaner yard, easily staying in place and keeping your shoes clean when you walk over it. Other types of mulch can stick to shoes and be washed or blown away in poor weather.

When you get ready to begin your spring planting and landscaping, make sure to invest in some beautiful bark mulch for your yard. Bark works great around the base of trees or in focal landscaped areas where you want to control weed growth. To save time, find a local mulch provider who offers delivery service.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Time To Add That Fall Mulch!

Mulch is not just for springtime planting and landscape projects. With colder months ahead, mulch should also be added in the fall to protect your plants from harsher weather.  Mulch will insulate the roots of your trees and plants to give them extra protection from the winter cold. However, there are correct ways and times to add mulch to your landscaping in the fall. 

When To Add Fall Mulch

The trick to adding mulch in the fall is not to add it too early. You don’t want to over-insulate the roots of your plants before temperatures begin to drop. The extra insulation adds heat, promoting new growth which is not necessarily good late in the season. Too much new growth can leave your plants vulnerable to stress once the colder weather hits. 

The best time to add mulch for the winter is in the late fall, after the first frost. Once it begins to reach those colder temperatures at night, it is safe to add an extra layer of protection. The first frost should be your indication it’s time to head to your local landscape supply store and purchase your mulch for fall. 

Where To Place Mulch

For the fall, mulch should be added around trees to protect the roots. In addition, you can use mulch over planting areas, like flower beds, where you have bulbs planted or perennial flowers that will come back in the spring. 

How Much Mulch To Add

For winter protection, a layer of three to four inches of mulch is usually adequate. Reduce the depth near the stems of plants or trunks of trees, increasing the depth as you spread the mulch over the extending root areas. Once spring arrives, you should remove this layer of mulch to allow healthy growth.

Posted on behalf of Find Local Landscape Supply

Pros And Cons Of Mulch And Gravel For Ground Cover

Both mulch and gravel are commonly used as ground cover in landscaping. Although one is not necessarily better than the other, there are distinct differences between the two. While mulch decomposes and must be constantly replaced, gravel will last for centuries without changing, making it seem like the best choice. However, there are pros to using mulch, just as there are cons to using gravel. 

Mulch Pros And Cons

Mulch is organic material, like bark, which is used to protect the soil as a ground cover. It’s readily available at almost any landscape supply store, and can be purchased in bags or in bulk. Many people prefer to use mulch for ground cover for a variety of reasons. Some of the pros and cons of mulch include: 

  • Pros. Mulch adds nutrients to the soil as it decomposes, making it excellent for ground cover around trees and in garden areas. It also comes in a variety of colors and types, which can create a beautiful landscaping when it is first applied.
  • Cons. Because mulch decomposes, it must constantly be replenished. Also, mulch will lose its bright color and become dull after a few months in the elements. 

Gravel Pros And Cons

Gravel used as ground cover is usually the small, pea gravel variety. Often you will notice many commercial properties will use gravel in their landscaping for the longevity of the product. Some of the other pros and cons of gravel for ground cover: 

  • Pros. Gravel can last a lifetime with a little upkeep and maintenance. Also, landscape suppliers have a wide variety of colors and sizes that are excellent for aesthetic purposes.
  • Cons. While gravel lasts, it also will not enhance the nutrients of your soil, like mulch does as it decomposes. It is also more expensive for the initial application, although it may save money over mulch in the long run. 

Both mulch and gravel can protect your soil, add beauty to your landscape and deter weed growth. Talk to the experts at your local supply store to determine which material is best for your next landscape project.

Posted on behalf of Find Local Landscape Supply

What Can Mulch Do For Your Landscape?

Mulch adds a certain beauty to your landscape that can’t be achieved without it.

However, it is good for more than revamping the look of your landscape. Mulch can help your landscaping goals become a reality in more than just a few ways.

Mulch Can Reduce Plant Diseases

Some plant diseases are due to fungal spores that are deflected from the ground up onto your plants from rain or watering your plants. Such diseases can damage and even destroy your plants.

You can use mulch to reduce plant diseases. Mulch allows for a gentler dispersing of rain or water along your plant bed instead of allowing fungal spores to bounce up from the bare ground onto your plant.

Mulch Can Control Erosion

Mulch creates a barrier between your precious soil and the harsh elements of weather. Mulch keeps your soil intact instead of being eroded by rain and wind. It is especially useful when landscaping sloped areas that are easily eroded by heavy rain.

Mulch Can Regulate Your Soil’s Temperature

In most places, there are dramatic temperature fluctuations. Extreme high and low temperatures can wreak havoc on soil and plants.

Mulch provides a layer of protection that helps to regulate the temperature of your soil. You can think of it as a protective “blanket” that protects your soil and shields the roots of your plants from the harsh, hot sun.

Mulch Can Conserve Your Soil’s Moisture

The soil and roots of your plants would be dried up by the sun without mulch. For example, by adding mulch to your plant beds, you’ll not have to water them as frequently because the soil conserves more moisture.

Posted on behalf of Clayton Hulen, Green Brothers Earth Works


Choosing the Right Landscape Mulch

Landscape mulch serves several different purposes. It can add to the beauty of the landscape design by adding uniform background color around plantings. It also provides a functional service by helping lock in moisture around plantings and, when organic, adding nutrients to the soil. There are several different types of mulch available for use in landscaping. It can be helpful to understand the different types of mulch available and the differences between them. 

Shredded Bark
Often made from cedar bark, this is one of the most popular mulch products available. It is organic and provides the natural color of wood around your plantings. It is fairly slow to decompose, which can make it a good choice for its long life and low cost. 

Pine Bark
Another wood product used for mulch, this bark comes in larger, more solid chunks than the shredded bark. This wood mulch will have an even longer life than the shredded bark, but is not recommended for sloped areas because it can be easily washed away. It also is often available in a variety of colors. 

Cocoa Hull
This fine, chocolate colored mulch also comes with a delicious chocolate scent. It tends to be a bit more expensive than the bark mulches and can potentially be poisonous to pets. 

Artificial or Rubber Mulch
Recycled tires are used to create this long-lasting mulch. In addition to creating flower borders, it has become quite popular for use under playground equipment.