Is All Sand the Same?

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If you love to tackle do-it-yourself landscaping projects, you know getting the right materials is vital to obtaining the best results. The wrong grass type for your lawn can make it impossible to get the lush lawn you prefer or the incorrect fertilizer can do more harm than good. When a project calls for sand, the same is true. There are different types of sand that are best for certain applications. Knowing the difference can ensure you get the results you desire for your next project that calls for using sand.

Paving Stones

For sand to fill in around and under paving stone, you want a fine dust that will settle and compact quickly. A good choice for this project is granite dust that is easy to sweep into those cracks and will stay in place.

Leveling Lawns

When adding sand to level lawns in grass types that work best in a sandy soil, choose river sand.  Bermuda and Zoysia grasses are two lawns that require sand for the best results when leveling. Make sure to choose a well-screened river sand that will not add large chunks of gravel to your lawn.

Drainage for Soil

If adding sand to improve the drainage in your soil, river sand is best. 

Masonry Work

When adding sand for mortar when performing masonry work, a grittier white sand is a good choice. 

Sand Boxes for Play Areas

For a thick sand box for the kids, use white sand. This is also good for leveling property or landscaping areas.

Knowing the right type of sand to use is important since the consistency varies with the source. Talk to your landscape supplier before ordering sand for your project to ensure you get the right type for your project.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220