Fertilizer Basics for Your New Sod

Are you considering adding new sod to create a lush lawn? Picking the right sod is crucial, but you need to know how to ensure that your sod takes hold. Not only is it important to prepare for your new sod, you must care for it once it is installed. Maintenance for your new sod will be important to whether it thrives or even survives. Part of that maintenance is feeding the grass the nutrients it needs. Here is what you need to know about fertilizer for your grass.

Know Your Numbers

Fertilizer has ratios of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) listed. For greener grass, you want a higher nitrogen content. Fertilizer for grass should have a much higher percentage of nitrogen than the other components. You may see combinations with little or no phosphorus. You want the best NPK ratios for your grass type.

Frequency of Fertilizing

For new sod, you will want to fertilize the first time about six weeks after installation. After that, you should plan on fertilizing every two to three months, depending on your grass types. For example, fescue grass normally only needs fertilizer every three months, starting in March and ending in December in warmer regions. Varieties like Bermuda and zoysia may need more frequent fertilizing, about every two months starting in March, but not after September due to dormancy.

Talk to your local landscape supplier about the right type of sod for your needs and the best fertilizer to keep it healthy. Feeding your new sod the right nutrients can help your grass grow greener and fuller, creating the beautiful lawn that you desire.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Restore Your Lawn with New Sod

Are you tired of fighting a losing battle with your lawn? Seeding, fertilizing, aerating, watering and continued maintenance are not always enough to bring a dying lawn back to life. Sometimes, you need to start from scratch with a new lawn that is healthy and just needs to be maintained. Sod can give your yard a makeover and create the lush, green lawn without weeds that you have always wanted.

Tips for Laying Your New Sod

While sod can give you a fresh start for your lawn, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t mean it is easy. There are factors you need to consider when installing your new sod, including:

  • Type of grass. You want a grass that flourishes well in your climate region, offers the right durability for traffic and growth levels that meet your maintenance needs.
  • Preparation. To ensure your new sod gets a good start, the proper preparation must be done. This includes leveling your area, sustaining the right moisture and treating the soil with weed prevention.
  • Timing. While sod can be installed any time of year, there are better times than others. Moderate temperatures are the best to help your new grass flourish. Spring and early fall when it is not too cold or too hot are the best times to lay sod.
  • After care. While sod is simpler than replanting, it does require after care to ensure the best results. You must maintain the right amount of moisture and protect it until it grows the root base needed for a healthy lawn.

To get your new lawn off to a good start, begin your new sod project with a visit to a quality landscape supplier that can help you choose the best sod and give you more tips to restore your lawn.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Preparing Soil for New Sod

Many people believe that laying new sod will take less preparation than seeding. While you may have a better chance of getting a lush lawn sooner with sod than seed, preparation is just as important. Sod is a big investment, much more than seed, so you want to ensure your new grass will take hold. While preparation for each type of grass may vary slightly, here are some basics to keep in mind.

Start Early

If you want to order your sod now, you better get started on your preparation. First get a soil sample. You need to know where your soil is chemically at now to get the right top soil and fertilizer. You should begin preparing your soil for sod at least two weeks before the sod will arrive. Talk to your landscape supplier and find out how long it will take to get your sod. Make sure you have the minimum of two weeks before your order will arrive.

First Tilling

At least two weeks before your sod arrival, the area should be treated for weeds before the first tilling. Once that is completed, you can begin tilling your area. You will want a slight slope for drainage, about 1-2%. Once it is tilled, you can add new soil or enhancements based on your soil sample.

Second Tilling

Wait about one week after the first tilling to complete the second tilling. First, add any fertilizers for your soil to match the type of grass you will be planting. Then the area can be tilled again and leveled. You want a very level surface for good adhesion of your new sod.

Before your new sod arrives, the ground should be watered. Talk to your landscape supplier about the exact care for your new sod. With proper preparation and care, you can enjoy a beautiful lawn that can last for many years to come.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Save Money by Installing Your Own Sod

Are you considering sod for your lawn? Laying sod can give you the lush lawn you have been trying to achieve, almost overnight. While sod still needs preparation and care, it can be successfully done on your own, saving you money. Here are tips to help you properly install sod and get a beautiful lawn that will flourish.

  • Choose the right sod. Talk to your local landscape supplier about which grass will be right for your soil type, use and maintenance needs. Getting the right grass is the first step to success.
  • Prepare your lawn. You cannot just lay down sod on any site and expect it to grow. You want to remove all rocks, weeds and other debris from the soil. The soil should also be well aerated and water applied before the sod is installed.
  • Make sure you choose a quality sod provider and get timely delivery. You want to get sod that was recently harvested, usually less than 72 hours before your installation. Schedule your delivery for the same day as installation if possible. Remember, your sod is alive and needs water and nutrients to survive. Keep it moist and in the shade until you can lay it down.
  • After your sod is installed, you need to keep it watered to allow the roots to attach and grow. Set a watering schedule of twice a day for two weeks, once in the morning, once at night.

With quality sod, you can save a little money by doing the installation yourself. Find a local supplier with high quality, fresh sod for the best results.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Summer is the Prime Time to Add Sod Dressing

Is your lawn lacking luster or uneven in areas? One of the ways to fix these issues is to add sod dressing to your lawn. However, not all times of year are ideal for adding sod dressing as the grass needs to be in a fast growing stage for the best results. Summer, usually between May and August, is when grass is at its peak growing levels, making it the best time to apply sod dressing to your yard.

When a lawn has low spots or is lacking the right top soil, it can affect the growth and beauty of your yard. Sod dressing, when applied correctly, can even out any uneven areas and add vital nutrients to your yard. Although this can be done in the spring or fall, summer is usually the best time to add this layer to your grass. To effectively apply sod dressing, follow these steps:

  • Preparing your lawn. You want your grass to be ready to accept the new soil for the best results. For some lawns, this may require thatching or aerating if there is more than ½ inch of thatch. Then mow the lawn as short as possible without damaging the grass, removing all clippings from the yard.
  • Adding sod dressing. Spread a half an inch sod dressing across your lawn except in areas that need filling where it may take a few inches of dressing to fill. Lightly use the backside of a rake to even the sod dressing and push it down into the soil. After the first watering, you may need to even out the dressing again until it is compacted.

Don’t miss out on the best time to add sod dressing to your yard. Call your local landscape supply to order your sod dressing now.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Choosing the Best Grass for Your New Sod

If you have decided this is the summer that you will finally have that beautiful green lawn you have always wanted, you have probably decided to lay sod. Spring is the perfect time to lay sod so the roots have a chance to take hold before the warmer summer weather. However, just laying sod is not enough to guarantee a beautiful lawn; you also need the right type of grass to suite your property and lifestyle. Here are three popular choices and their pros and cons:

Meyer Zoysia

If you are looking for the deep green lawn reminiscent of the professional golf courses, Meyer Zoysia is a good variety to choose. This grass is often used in professional applications due to its dense, thick turf and slow growing attributes. It does well in sun and partial shade, making it a great all-around grass.


If you have a sunny yard with very little shade, Bermuda grass is an excellent choice. Bermuda performs best in direct sun and provides a dense, green lawn that can handle heavy traffic. This is a great grass for those who have pets or kids that will be playing on the lawn. It does grow in clay soil but does best in sandy soils. This is a higher maintenance grass, but does not need much irrigation.


If you live in an area where you can have green grass all year round, Fescue may be the right choice for your home. If you have shady areas, Fescue is tolerant of both sun and shade. Because it is green all year, it will need more maintenance, with watering needed for areas in direct sun.

Talk to your local landscape supplier about these and other grass options for your new sod to choose the best option for your specific home and region.

Posted on behalf of:
Green Brothers Earth Works
680 Franklin Rd, SE
Marietta, GA 30067
(770) 590-8220

Lay Sod Now For A Beautiful Lawn Next Summer

Adding sod to your yard is the easiest way to obtain the lush, green lawn you have always wanted. The best time to lay sod is when the temperatures are moderate; in most regions, this will be during late spring and early fall. Weather conditions which are too hot or too cold can hamper the root growth of your new sod, making these mild times of year perfect. 

Preparing Your Lawn For New Sod

Once you either order your sod or have it delivered from the landscape supplier, you will want to get your lawn area leveled and cleared of obstructions before you begin installation. Once the area is tilled, remove all rocks, twigs and other debris from the lawn. Then, rake the area to ensure it is level; you may need to add quality top soil to any dips or low areas.

If your soil quality is poor, either too sandy or with too much clay, you may want to add either organic material or a layer of quality soil. Once the ground is ready, use a sod roller to compact down the soil and ensure it is level for laying your new sod. 

Caring For Your New Sod

Once the sod is installed, you will need to promote quick root growth to prepare it for the winter season. Your sod will need plenty of moisture, enough to penetrate approximately four inches down to the roots. Make sure your new grass is watered every day, either with rain or manually. It will take an estimated 2-3 weeks for the new sod roots to take hold, so keep people and pets off the sod until it has a chance to grow its root base. 

By laying your sod in the early fall, it will have plenty of time to mature before the winter weather hits. Over the next several months, your new grass can grow a strong root base which will ensure it will become the lush, green lawn that you envision for next summer.

Posted on behalf of Find Local Landscape Supply

Make Your Lawn the Envy of the Neighborhood

You have dreams of a lush, green carpet of grass, but your reality is a sparse, struggling and uneven lawn. If you want the kind of lawn to make your neighbors jealous, installing sod may just be the answer to your prayers. 

Understanding Sod

While laying sod will give you the lawn you’ve always wanted without the torturous wait that comes with sowing grass seed, there are still some key factors you’ll need to understand in order to make the best choice. Different types of sod, just like different types of grass seed, will perform differently depending on the climate and conditions where your property is located. Also, each type of sod will come with its own set of care instructions. Fescue sod, for instance, will remain green throughout the year and, as a result, will require year-round maintenance. The drainage and sunlight conditions on your property will determine how well a given variety performs, so choosing the right variety is crucial to lawn success. 

Sod Planting

Unlike grass seeds which must be sown and given time to sprout, sod comes to your property in an already healthy condition. The success of planting, however, is largely dependent on proper techniques being used throughout the process. This is why it’s almost always advised for homeowners to work with an experienced landscape supply company who can help you to choose the right variety while giving you planting advice relevant to your unique needs. If you’re interested in laying sod for a lawn to make your neighbors green with envy, consult with a reputable landscape supply company to learn more about the variety and planting methods which are best suited to your needs.

Posted on behalf of Clayton Hulen, Green Brothers Earth Works


Selecting the Right Sod Type For Your Climate

You know you want a beautiful lush lawn, however when it comes to choosing a sod type, you might be wondering what the differences are. Although there is a wide variety of types of sod that give many different benefits, from low maintenance to high traffic, one of the basic factors that with determine what sod is best for your lawn will be climate.

Sods For Colder Climates

If you live in an area that is cooler, the grass will need to be able to withstand temperature and moisture changes. You want a grass that can take periods of drought during the summer after long, cold winters. Some good choices include Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass. 

Sods For Hotter Climates

For areas with warmer temperatures throughout the year, you have many options you can choose from. Some of the higher quality sods include the zoysia grass, which requires less mowing and stands up to heavy foot traffic. A more reasonably priced option is Bermuda grass, which does well in hot temperatures and in heavy traffic, however it does require more maintenance.

Sods For Mid-Range Climates

For those in areas that have cool winters, yet not cold, there are even more choices. You can lean toward whichever end you choose, depending on whether your weather is more hot or more cold. In many cases a blend or hybrid sod may be your best bet, giving you the best of two or more grasses.

Before buying any sod, consult with a professional to discuss traffic needs, sunlight and moisture requirements to find the best sod for your particular needs. There are sods in every climate type that will be better suited for each situation.

Posted on behalf of Clayton Hulen, Green Brothers Earth Works


The Advantages of Using Sod

There’s no denying that a beautiful lawn with neatly trimmed green grass looks great.  The challenge for most people is transforming their dull, brown soil into beautiful grass. You have to decide whether to use sod or seed. Your decision should be based on three factors.

What’s Your Budget?

Determine how much you can spend before making your decision to use sod or grass seed.

Sod is more expensive than grass seed. In fact, grass seed is typically cheaper than any type of sod that’s available. The reason for this is that someone else already did the hard work of cultivating grass seeds. You pay for them to carefully cultivated a patch of grass for you. The great thing about sod is that it is mature grass.

What’s Your Terrain Like?

The terrain or type of soil (yard) you have is an important factor. Seed might be more effective than sod if your lawn is plagued with “shaded spots” because sod does better in the sun. In addition, you can buy a special type of seed that won’t die in the shade.

However, if there are steep sides to your lawn, sod will be a better choice because seeds tend to get washed away before they can take root.

How Soon Do You Want Results?

You can have a solid, sturdy, and beautiful lawn in a matter of hours using sod.

Additionally, sod might be your only choice if you missed the primary seeding season that occurs during late spring and the early part of autumn. Seeds need warm soil to grow; however, sod can take root in any temperature that’s above freezing.

Posted on behalf of Clayton Hulen, Green Brothers Earth Works
